Category: You crawl over there……

  • Falling into Place

    Falling into Place

    I wrote a lengthy post over on my Substack. I  try to do a long-form essay there every Wednesday. This one is on how easy it is to become rigid, fixed into place, and stop learning new things. Or, alternatively, how change is hard because it requires learning new things.  I am, myself, fighting a…

  • Exercise in Frustration

    Exercise in Frustration

    It’s been a busy week, it’s going to continue to be a busy week right through… checks calendar… The last week of March doesn’t look so bad. Yet.  One small, minor, supposedly simple task I’d given myself today was to update the file upload size on my website. Yeah. About that. Right now the new…

  • Thinking Out Loud

    Thinking Out Loud

    I’m always hesitant to write when I’m in a state of high emotion. It’s not that I won’t be passionate here – I certainly have been before. It’s just that when I’m in a state of mind that isn’t quantifiable, other than perhaps melancholy, I tend to draw a screen between myself and the world,…

  • Back Burner

    Back Burner

      I’ve been thinking about the idiom ‘back-burnering,’ because I’m having to do a lot of that at work. I’m coming up on a week now, working solo, in a lab which usually takes a team of five. I am not actually doing the job of five — there are things I’m not trained to…

  • Life Goes On

    Life Goes On

    I’m back in the trenches again. After a week off for sickness/quarantine, it feels good to be at work. I may be returning to normal, but my morning commute to work reminded me that not everyone is continuing their routines. Disruptions continue. Traffic was light, and flow of traffic speed was about 10 mph faster…

  • Gifts, Traditions, and Trees

    Gifts, Traditions, and Trees

    I’m still not up to deep blog topics, although I was awfully tempted by Derek Lowe’s article on chirality and the architecture of life as we know it. If you know anything about chemistry, take a look, it’s got some nifty ideas in it. Maybe I will come back around to that later when I…

  • Aten’t Dead Yet

    Aten’t Dead Yet

    Unlike the Norwegian Parrot, I’m not pinin’ for the fjords. I can attest, however, that the flu is no fun. And having spent three days in bed with my husband, the dialogue was steamy:  “Did you turn up the heater?”  “No.” “I’m so cold… No, I’m so hot.” “Where’s the thermometer?” “If your temp goes…

  • Banishing Monsters

    Banishing Monsters

    I’ve been having conversations with my daughter about resilience and the human mind. Yesterday I touched on the concept of creating monsters in our mind – be they mewling weaklings like Monday, that we can crush beneath our heel, or towering constructions that loom over us threatening the loss of everything. Both share one similarity:…

  • Repost: Keep Calm and Have a Plan

    Repost: Keep Calm and Have a Plan

    This was originally posted in full at According to Hoyt in July 2014 and the comments got rather lengthy. I am a weapon. When the time comes to strike, the tool I happen to use is not the weapon, the squishy gray stuff between my ears is. In aid of keeping my weapon sharp, I…

  • Job Hunting

    Job Hunting

    In addition to the writing of fiction, I’m trying to do something very important, albeit much shorter. I have to write about me. If you’ve ever looked at the About Cedar page on this blog, you’ll know that I don’t like to do that. My biography which appears on Amazon and various other sites? Was…

  • Quick Update:

    Quick Update:

    I’m not dead. I’m here, just busier than I’d anticipated as the tectonic plates of my world are shifting. This isn’t a bad thing, but it does presage a time of upheaval and change. I don’t know yet what the new terrain and continents will look like. Sort of exciting to think about that –…

  • Question for you

    Question for you

    I have been contemplating marketing, and I have a research question: would my readers and fans like an omnibus edition of the Pixie For Hire trilogy in time to give as a Christmas gift? I am planning on reducing the cost of the first book in the series, and if I create an omnibus of…