It is a cold and snowy day outside, the kids are mostly occupied with electronic diversions, and I am studying for my bones practical, so I don’t have the brain power for a opinion post. I thought I would share some links to my favorite geek diversions, instead.
Scholck Mercenary, along with several other webcomics, starts every morning for me along with my cup of mocha. Today, it was particularly profound, for a lover of science fiction and fact.
I highly recommend the strip to SF fans and just fans of humor alike, Howard’s work is funny, poignant, and compelling.
Speaking of wonderful images, and I joined the group asking for the one above on a tshirt… I love geeky message tshirts. My favorite purveyor of them is Mystik Waboose, who can be found here. I just ordered a shirt from her, because while it’s easy to find funny shirts on the web, it’s not so easy to find genuine, warm, funny people like the Mystik and her Road Crew.
When I am done here, I will reward my brain with According to Hoyt, a blog by one of my most favorite authors. It’s like a meal for my mind, as she always gives me thoughts to chew over and reflect on for the day. That’s a horribly bovine metaphor, but really, it’s witty, wise, and wonderful. I don’t have the time to read a lot of blogs, but this one I make time for.
Finally, I will share that I have a book budget. I’m on a limited income, and while I rarely drink, I don’t smoke, and I have no real vices… I read. So every month I set aside an amount to spend on books. Obviously, Amazon gets a lot of that, but there is a small press I prefer to blow my budget at, Naked Reader Press. On their front page you will also find an lengthy excerpt from the last novel I loved, Kate Paulk’s ConSensual. They publish my other most favorite author, Dave Freer, too.
Now, I’m off to study bones again. And maybe write an abormal psych paper. Being a full-time student is interesting, sure, but it cuts into the reading time!