A Rob Howell Book!


Rob writes excellent stuff. And this is the final book in a trilogy, so if you like to read completeness, as I know many of you do, it’s perfect! 

And just in time for a long holiday weekend. 

With no further ado: None Call Me Mother



2 responses to “A Rob Howell Book!”

  1. John Sage Avatar
    John Sage

    Off topic. I just bought, on Kindle, Trickster Noir, as my paper copy is in storage, and found it larded with Amanda Greens’ beta review commentary.
    I appreciate learning how the minds of some of my favorite authors work, but this might not be what you had intended.
    Thanks, John Sage

    1. Sometime in the next couple of days, that should clear up. I’m still not sure how it happened, but hey, I killed a couple of typos, so that’s good!