A Traveling Woman

I’m off on another trip. The First Reader is staying home with the dog, but I’ll be back on Wednesday after having adventures! The blog is going to be spotty until Thursday, since I’m not taking my laptop along, just the tablet, and I’m not sure how well (or poorly, as the case may be) WordPress will interface with the tablet. This is an 1800 mile round trip in 4 days. A challenge!

If you are looking for something to read, I highly recommend the fine folks in my blogroll off to the sidebar there.

Oh, and as promised, a photo of Jasper, my traveling companion on this trip. traveling-2


3 responses to “A Traveling Woman”

  1. Reality Observer Avatar
    Reality Observer

    Have a safe one, Cedar. 1,800 miles in four days? I did that once – but I was even younger than you. Your grit is impressive…

    FYI, when you get back – I finally got that long promised review of Vulcan’s Kittens up on Amazon. Under my real name (Richard Skinner).

    I ALSO took the great liberty of using the book as an “educational tool” over on my own blog, for more of a long after the fact “beta” type review – which I hope doesn’t get Sanford after me…

    1. thank you 🙂 I will have to wander over to your blog now that I’m home and have coffee in hand.

      1. Reality Observer Avatar
        Reality Observer

        Kid fun first, Cedar!