Author: Sanford Begley
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Extreme Idiots
Written by Sanford Begley I saw a video on FaceBook today, a line of people in wingsuits lined up and jumping off a mountain. It happened to be titled Crazy White People. I agree…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Eyes of a Doll
Written by Sanford Begley I believe I reviewed Rob Howell’s first book A Lake Most Deep earlier. If I didn’t I should have. Howell makes an interesting combination of Noir detectives and Byzantium locations that is funny and straight at the same time. His latest, The Eyes Of A Doll is no exception. I must…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Expectations
Written by Sanford Begley I’m reading the second book by a new author. I won’t tell you who because it doesn’t matter. I have barely started it and am already disappointed. Not because it isn’t a good book, it is so far. And not because it isn’t as well written as the first, actually I…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Honor in an Orwellian World
Written by Sanford Begley Originally published at the Otherwhere Gazette in March 2015 Most SF fans believe in honor. How can you read stories about heroes and not? I think we all believe we are honorable, I know I do. We can’t be certain though, we all fall short of our ideals, all we can…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Love is… One Man’s Opinion
Written by Sanford Begley In the seventies most papers carried a series of Love Is… cartoons, mostly things like cooking together or sharing a drink, that sort of thing. All of these were visible things that people in love could do. Sadly, they never really said what love is, just things people in love could…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Vittles an’ Sech
Written by Sanford Begley Vittles, a funny little word I have seldom heard in real life.When I have heard it, it has been used to evoke a certain type of ignorant redneck hillbilly, or to mock the stereotype. I probably haven’t heard it more than a few dozen times total outside of an old sitcom…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Boots
Written by Sanford Begley I was putting on my boots and a chain of related thoughts passed through my mind. You see, the boot in question is a tan, military style, boot. Now there was a time when i was a young man in the army when the talk was about how much tougher the…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: BFP War Party
This Blast from the Past was originally published in September 2012 at Classical Values. The War Party by Sanford Begley I’ve been listening to both sides since 9/11/01. There is a group who want to go to war with Islam, a group who want to ignore it and hope it goes away, and a group…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Are You Man Enough?
Written by Sanford Begley Are you man enough? I went to the barber today. New shop, my old barber retired. So the barber was making conversation. He asked me what kind of mileage I got. What he really wanted to know was why I was driving a girlie car. You see, I got a good…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Friends
written by Sanford Begley I’m like most people, I see my faults all too clearly. What I don’t see as…