Teaching oneself has never been easier in this day and age. Even for college-level work, there are more sites out there than I could name, youtube is chock-full of lessons, lectures, and useful hints for remembering chunks of necessary data. I’m up to my eyeballs in Chemistry as I have another exam today. Rushing through this intensive course (a semester of work in 6 weeks) is taking it out of me.
For instance, the terribly useful Chemwiki at UC Davis, which is helping me get through sticky spots in General Chemistry this summer.
The big one, Khan Academy, was essential for my precalculus last semester, and refresher for algebra the year before.
MIT offers many courses free online for auditing with their Opencourseware track.
Know others? Leave names or links in the comments and I’ll update this… later, after the exam, and lab, and work, and…
My friend Jonathan Stevens, himself a professor of Chemistry, sent me a couple of links to free online Chemistry books.