Book Lists

I make lists of books. They aren’t all my ideas – I crowdsource the titles suggested by using social media to ask for help. I can’t possibly read all the books, no matter how hard I try, so the best way to get a strong list of recommendations is to pool the minds of many readers.

Someone asked if I could please make a list of the lists, and it was a good idea, so with no further ado, here’s the list of lists.

Cozy Reads

Strong Women in Science Fiction: Book List

Boys Read Too! The Modern List

Boys Read Too! The Step-up List

Boys Read Too! The Classics List

Where Science Meets Magic

A List for Love in Books (not romance-centric)

Fierce Old Women Book List

The Starter List of Science Fantasy

The Great Big Handy-Dandy MHI Group Book List

Top 100 Military Science Fiction Books

A List of Books for Big Boys

A List of Books for Big Girls

18 Hard Science Fiction Books

Damsels Who Can’t be Bothered to be Distressed

Children’s Book Recommendations

Fantastic Schools

The Glittery Unicorns Book List

Sword and Sorcery Book List