I make lists of books. They aren’t all my ideas – I crowdsource the titles suggested by using social media to ask for help. I can’t possibly read all the books, no matter how hard I try, so the best way to get a strong list of recommendations is to pool the minds of many readers.
Someone asked if I could please make a list of the lists, and it was a good idea, so with no further ado, here’s the list of lists.
Strong Women in Science Fiction: Book List
Boys Read Too! The Modern List
Boys Read Too! The Step-up List
Boys Read Too! The Classics List
A List for Love in Books (not romance-centric)
The Starter List of Science Fantasy
The Great Big Handy-Dandy MHI Group Book List
Top 100 Military Science Fiction Books
Damsels Who Can’t be Bothered to be Distressed
Children’s Book Recommendations
The Glittery Unicorns Book List