Well, it’s early, anyway. There are clouds hiding the sun, and it’s chilly out there in Southern Ohio today. I have been sitting here for a half-hour trying to think about what to blog on this morning. So far, it would either be me musing on what makes an adult, or how to deal with bad dreams and interrupted sleep. And I might come back to the former topic.
I’d posted earlier this week about my art, and the next step I’d like to take to improve my skills. I then put up the same thing at my DeviantArt profile, and my friend TlClark responded at length. I am very grateful, and looking at that list, going to be busy this summer. I’m linking in one of the first videos to catch my eye.
I’ll be back later with a post of more length and depth. Right now I’m going to whip up a batch of Dorothy Grant’s low-carb hot cocoa and contemplate what all needs to be done on this cool morning.