Category: angel
Beautiful America: Holiday Greetings
I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks thinking about Christmases with family, and pictures of this time of year will appear here – some of them very much family shots. But I love my kids, and they are beautiful! Yes, yes, I’m biased. I think some of you will enjoy it, anyway. A…
Review Friday
Today I review a story called Snow Angel, by Stryder Dancewolffe, at her behest, to compare and contrast the stories with two very similar titles, themes, and yet very different in content and style. Stryder’s novella is set in a world decimated by plague, where the mentally ill are discarded like broken dolls. One such…
Snow Angel Complete
Snow Angel is published! If you would like to buy it, click on the link below. Please do review it honestly if you do, I appreciate the feedback. This is a short story that was inspired partly by my son, and his active mind, and partly by my sister, who will always be an innocent.…
in angel, angel wings, childhood, family, fantasy, inspirational, motherhood, snow, snow angel, snowflake, wings, writingMy schedule doesn’t give me a lot of play time. Fortunately, some of the things I do and call ‘work’ I also regard as play. This allows me to go off and “play” while still feeling productive. Which isn’t to say that I don’t occasionally goof off and waste time, too. Yesterday was one of…
Snow Angel Snippet 2
Lying on her back in the snow was a young woman. Already, she was dusted over with snow, which is why Sarah had missed her clothes. Dressed in a long duster jacket, jeans, and cowboy boots, she was motionless. Her face was pale… Sarah leaned closer over her, pushing Josh toward the house. “Go home…”…