Category: Book List
The Cozy Book List
It’s been a while since I made a book list. There are reasons, one being that this isn’t a fast process. The other is that due to the algorithms of ‘social’ media, I can no longer toss out the question of ‘what do you like to read?’ and get more than a hundred enthusiastic responses.…
Book Sale
I have two books in the Super Summer Sale that Hans Schantz is running. Both The Case of the Perambulating Hatrack, and Possum Creek Massacre, are on sale for $0.99 this week. You’ll find them, and many, many others, over at his blog. Plus, he’s got a link that will allow you to get $5…
The Curmudgeon’s Book List
This is a list generated by friends and acquaintances when I asked for help in keeping the First Reader busy while he is on sick duty helping out his parents. He has a lot of time on his hands in between fetching and carrying. Thank you, everyone! This is a great list of books! …
I can’t Write Fast Enough!
This is what will appear at the very end of Possum Creek Massacre. But it will be a while before that book is released, so you should get a head start on your reading. Like Books Similar to This One? Cedar can’t possibly write fast enough to satisfy most readers. Check these great authors out!…
The Glittery Unicorns Book List
This list was born out of a question: someone wanted to know what were books we’d recommend for the young lady in his life, to save her from sparkly vampires. I was tagged in the comments, and realized that although I have several lists for boys, I hadn’t done one specifically for girls. This still…
Boys to Men: A Book List
This list was born out of the list I curated last week, it’s just taken me some time to get my act together and publish this one. This is, as all my lists are, a crowd-sourced list. I posted the question on social media, and took the recommended books to create the list. It’s far…
Classic Books Every Man Should Read
A few days ago the First Reader found a list of ’18 Classic Books Every Man Should Read in 2018′ and being an avid reader for over fifty years now, he clicked on it and read through their list. A little bit later, he made a snort of derision. “Most of these are crap,” he…
Strong Women in Science Fiction: Book List
Ok, it’s not just books. It is, however, just science fiction so far as I can tell. I knew if I opened it up to fantasy as well, it would become unmanageable, so I may follow up with a second list if there is interest. As it is, I’ve got over 60 names on the…
Boys Read Too! The Step-Up List
I’ve been working on lists of books for teen boys, but there are also books that were recommended that are suitable for younger readers, teens, and as a commenter yesterday pointed out; excellent books are readable at any age (Thanks, Joanne!). So this is the list of books that form a bridge from the middle…