Category: cat

  • The Joys of Kitten

    The Joys of Kitten

    Gets dressed… extricates kitten from closet. Feeds cats… extricates kitten from pantry. Opens dishwasher… extricates kitten… This is giving me fond memories of having toddlers.   Toast is not a bad kitten. She’s just curious, and energetic, and that’s fun to watch. Ok, sometimes it’s exasperating. To all of us, which included Inspector Gidget!  …

  • Invasion of The Cyoots

    Invasion of The Cyoots

    The Crooked House is under siege.  Patter, patter, patter… thwonk.  That’s the sound of tiny paws getting up a running start, then mis-estimating the clearance on the hollow-core door between the office and bedroom. Kitten heads are, thank heavens, hard.  My house is full of popcorn kittens, and one growling demon. Inspector Gidget is deeply…

  • Cat Chat

    Cat Chat

    I am amused at this particular little bit of nonsense and time waster.  Want to have a conversation with a cat? Here you go.  Inspector Gidget likes this recliner that is in my office. She spends much of her days sleeping on it. And she’s usually mildly peeved when I displace her so I can…

  • The Cat’s Palate

    The Cat’s Palate

    Inspector Gidget is ambivalent about wet catfood (she’ll only eat the gravy style with no solids) and turns up her nose at people food (even raw fresh salmon bits). I opened a tin of smoked oysters this morning and suddenly I had a cat trying to get on my lap (she doesn’t *do* laps, ever)and…

  • Show me you care

    Show me you care

    It’s been a long couple of weeks. Today is the first day off in twelve days straight. So of course I’m cleaning. I mean, I probably would have spent most of my day curled up and drawing, or writing, but my son dragged me gently but inexorably out into the living area and said ‘clean!’…

  • A minute void

    A minute void

      This was just adorable. Kittens are the best little murder muffins.  And sometimes when the stress gets too much, kitten pictures help. Very small worlds… One smile at a time.  (header image: Friday (calico) and Kettlebelly (gray) while still in the fluffy jellybean stage.)   

  • Zoomies


    Sometime recently I heard someone referring to those bouts of super-energized activity that kittens and puppies (and sometimes bunnies too!) get as the zoomies. I feel like I have a case of them today, whether I want to or not. Also, how is it that a few ounces of floof and toebeans can sound like…

  • Morning Has Broken

    Morning Has Broken

    If you’re anything like me, that will now be your earworm for the day. It could be worse. I was talking about opera over at the Otherwhere Gazette today, and how ‘Space Opera’ came to be first a pejorative, and later a term of acclaim.  Fat Ladies Singing Space and Opera seem to be an…

  • Review: Twisty Christmas

    I know, it’s Monday. I do reviews on Friday. Shh…. Be vewy vewy quiet. I am studying! Also, I saw that this book I’d been asked to review is free as an ebook today, so I thought I’d jump on it and give my readers the chance to pick up a very sweet collection of…

  • Launch Day!

    The God’s Wolfling is now available in ebook and print for purchase! I hope you enjoy this book, it was a long time coming, and a challenge for me. With Vulcan’s Kittens, I was told to channel my inner 14-year old girl, to which I responded “But I wasn’t a normal teenage girl!” Well, when…

  • The God’s Wolfling: Final Snippet

    Here it is, folks, the last snippet on the blog.. but you can buy the book now! (ebook release is officially tomorrow). Happy reading, and be sure to leave a review. I look forward to hearing what you thought of the whole thing. If you’re so inclined, pass the word on that the book is…

  • The God’s Wolfling: Snippet 8

    Only one more snippet before you can buy The God’s Wolfling and read it all in one gulp. Because I know some of you will! Release date is officially August 1, and a week from today is July 31, but I’m going to see about making it available that day earlier to my blog readers.…