Category: Convention
FenCon 2022 AAR
TL:DR: Had a blast, wore myself out, and have no regrets! FenCon last year was my first experience with this con, and on a whim I’d gotten a table to commit commerce, which also turned into having friend’s books and wares on that table. The week after the con, the vote was taken and North…
FenCon 2022
I’ll be out of pocket all weekend, in Irving, Texas at FenCon. A small literary SFF con, I’d attended last year and had a lot of fun. This year I’m going back, and there will be even more fun! A lot of friends will be there, and I’m really looking forward to seeing folks. My…
TulKon AAR
This was a first for me. Not just Tulkon, although I hadn’t attended this con before (for good reason, see below) but the pace of this spring’s conventions for me. I’ve done three cons in five weeks, starting with FantaSci at the end of March in North Carolina, where I was a guest. I’d followed…
FantaSci 2022 Panel Schedule
I’m in Raleigh, NC all this weekend for the SFF convention, FantaSci As an author guest, which is exciting, and means I’ll be busy! You can catch me on these panels, and Sunday is a day of relaxation. On Sunday my Dad will be hanging out with me until I leave for home, and I…
2019 LTUE AAR: Day 1
I arrived in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, and after acquiring a rental car – pro-tip, don’t rent from a company whose name you do not recognize, and whose location is far, far off airport. I would not have expected SLC to have a barrio, but I know where it is, now. I was very…
LTUE Schedule
It’s wet here in Southern Ohio. Very wet. It’s also cold, but that’s a new development. Yesterday it was almost too warm for a coat, unless you didn’t want to get wet. The First Reader was complaining that the backyard was becoming a lake. The river is as high as I’ve ever seen it. I’m…
Fun Day: Gem City ComicCon
The Ginja Ninja, Little Man, and I did a con today. It’s a small con very local to us, and I had no idea what to expect. I’d been wanting to check it out since I’d taken a drawing class in college and my professor was involved in getting it started, but life has interfered.…