Category: Curmudgeon’s Corner
Curmudgeon’s Corner: A Good Ol’ Dog
The First Reader might never admit it, but he has a turn for poetry. Or, as he said about this one ‘doggerel. I write doggerel.’ Be as that may, I like it, and I think you’ll want to sing it in your head, the way I did. Just a good ol’ dog never meaning…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Pride
This is a repost, the article originally appeared at the Otherwhere Gazette two years ago. Cedar’s note: this post engendered a lot of discussion, much of it from failing to read carefully: the First Reader is talking about the church as a political entity, not as a body of people. There’s a comment on the…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Doggerel
Written by Sanford Begley Cedar and I were out and I saw a little sign that said they had an app for something silly. I mentioned that I am starting to hate apps for everything, apps in general in fact. She said that apps were very useful, she was using one right then for studying,…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Date Night
Written by Sanford Begley Date Night is a whole new concept for me. I just had my first one as a husband and I must say I am pleased. We didn’t do anything special, not really. The fact that for a few hours we were just us and not the family really worked though. I…
written by Sanford Begley I hate tickyboxes. You all know them, a checklist of things in a book or movie that has to be checked off. In SF, and really most fiction these days, you must fit a set of tickyboxes. You are required to have at least one LGBTWTFBBQ character in a good role,…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: I Miss Newspapers
Written by Sanford Begley I miss newspapers. Yeah I know, they still exist. In fact it was seeing one the other day that brought this on. There was an article on the drought this summer comparing it with historical norms and detailing local conditions. That type of article is what I miss. Well that and…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Fads and Mainstreaming
Written by Sanford Begley DU2 and DU3 are into Anime, Manga, and DC universe fanfics and side characters. There is a possibility they will be coming to live with us permanently this fall. What they worry about is whether they can find anyone of their fandom in this area. You see they are, in the…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Dogs Can Be Jealous
(Cedar here – I wrote a funny metaphor story today over at the Mad Genius Club in which said jealous dog plays a part. You may enjoy it.) Written by Sanford Begley My stepchildren are in for a visit this summer, well number Daughter units 2 and 3 and Son unit 1. Their mother is…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Ethical Programming?
Written by Sanford Begley The murder of five police officers and the wounding of nine others was ended through use of a remote bomb detonation device erroneously called a robot by the mainstream media. Drone would have been a much more accurate word, but we must allow for the lack of knowledge and intelligence among…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Rural Vs Urban
Written by Sanford Begley Rural vs Urban: Who Looks Ahead? I started making breakfast this morning, I had a craving for gravy and biscuits. I started the oven preheating and opened the refrigerator to get out ingredients. No milk! For much of my life I have lived in rural areas and that would have meant…
I’m Not Feeling It/I’m Feeling It
This is probably the first time that the First Reader and I have done the same post, but different viewpoints. So what you’re reading is first Sanford, then Cedar. Here’s our Fourth of July thoughts. Happy Independence Day! Sanford Today is the fourth day of July in the year 2016. I am normally excited by…