Category: Gender
Review: Elizabeth of Starland
So in one of life’s gentle ironies, Alma Boykin reviewed one of my books this week, when I was planning to review hers. We hadn’t talked about it beforehand, nor did I realize that today is the launch day for her new book in the Colplatschki series. You can’t write coincidences like this in fiction,…
A Difficult Look
I have read books in my life that I enjoyed, and promptly forgot. I have read books where I wandered off in the middle and forgot to come back again. I have read books which touched the core of my being, changed me, and I was never able to re-read again, they were terrible in…
Fury, Thy Name is…
Let me sum up. Using smaller words, because obviously some of you couldn’t follow what I was saying the first time. Those of you who got it, are excused from class… Imagine a class of kids, split roughly 50/50 boys and girls, the way classes in a normal culture are. Now picture them in a…