Category: genetic manipulation
Morning Has Broken
If you’re anything like me, that will now be your earworm for the day. It could be worse. I was talking about opera over at the Otherwhere Gazette today, and how ‘Space Opera’ came to be first a pejorative, and later a term of acclaim. Fat Ladies Singing Space and Opera seem to be an…
The Value Of Humanity
If this is true—if Russians are dying for lack of hope, as they seem to be—then the question that is still looking for its researcher is, Why haven’t Russians experienced hope in the last quarter century? Or, more precisely in light of the grim continuity of Russian death, What happened to Russians over the course…
Organic Design
I’m still uploading, slowly, years worth of photos to DeviantArt, you can browse my gallery here. As I’m doing it, I realize my first reader’s teasing is spot on. I really do stalk bugs for photos. Tons of bug pics in my archives, especially pollinators. So I was thinking. As I start to teach myself spaceship…