Category: LibertyCon
Guns in Fiction: More Useful Information
After I shared the link to my Mad Genius post on Saturday, Chris Byrne offered an assortment of articles he’s written on guns in fiction and real-life use over the years, and he gave me permission to put them all in one place to find again, and share with my readers. There is a lot…
LibertyCon 27 AAR
First of all, I’m back, and I’m sorry for my lack of planning! I thought I would have a few minutes to put up a post Saturday and yesterday, and it didn’t happen. Next year, I will plan ahead for this. We arrived in Tennessee on Thursday, early, treating that first day as a vacation…
LibertyCon, Reading, and a Book Bomb
Now, there’s an explosive mixture! LibertyCon 27 I will be at LibertyCon in TN next week at this time. My First Reader and I arrive sometime Thursday for gatherings pre-con with friends, and the fun starts Friday. We’ll be leaving Sunday almost immediately after the Young Adult Fiction workshop Sarah Hoyt and I will be…
LibertyCon 26 Photos
I am the unofficial barfly photographer at LibertyCon, snapping stealth pics when no-one knows I’m coming… I do ask for poses on occasion, too. Here is a link to the raw feed of everything I took at the con, on flickr. For more tagged and labeled photos, you can find my facebook albums. Anything more…
Promoting and Reviewing
This is going to be a short post. I really ought to be writing – well, ok, writing fiction, not blog posts. My day so far has been filled with writing, but for school, and work. I did a little reading, too, in breaks from the writing. One thing I read was Sarah Hoyt’s blog…