Category: Living History
Valley Forge
Last month while I was travelling for work, I wound up with a few hours to kill before I needed to be at the Philadelphia airport, and I realized that Valley Forge was just off my route from Point A to Point B. It was an irresistible chance to walk on ground imbued with history.…
The House is Dead – Long live the Farm!
I spent three days with Dad putting shingles on the house last year, when we had no idea how little time it had left. It was a house. I have walked out of many doors without a second glance backward. It was my family’s home for more than two decades, an old farmhouse with more…
Time Travelers
My father and I went to the 1750s this weekend, getting away from the hurry and scurry of the twenty-first centry for a time. He does this several times a year, I much more rarely. We traveled to Charlestown, NH, where the living history museum called the Fort at No. 4 is located. It was…
We were in Maine yesterday, Johann and Glady and Cedar. I had a face painting gig in Kittery, and took the kids so we could have some fun afterward. About 11:15 am, when I was done with the even, we piled in the truck and headed for Fort McClary on Kittery Point to let the…