Category: Reality
Repost: Keep Calm and Have a Plan
This was originally posted in full at According to Hoyt in July 2014 and the comments got rather lengthy. I am a weapon. When the time comes to strike, the tool I happen to use is not the weapon, the squishy gray stuff between my ears is. In aid of keeping my weapon sharp, I…
Why So Extreme?
Written by Sanford Begley We have all seen ideas and opinions from the other side of the political spectrum that are so bizarre they evoke Poe’s Law. Most of the ones I see are the far left loonies being ridiculous. Notice I said most. I have seen some from the far right that are just…
Blue Collar American
This is a guest post by the redoubtable Jonathan LaForce, who wrote it up and then let me publish it on my blog when I saw it and wanted it to have more platform than facebook. Thanks, Jon, and I look forward to seeing more like this from you. Why a Blue Collar American Doesn’t…