Category: romance

  • Blind Nobility

    Blind Nobility

    A good friend posed a question on social media recently on behalf of a young person. My friend and I are about the same age, and the youngster is about the age of our children. She asked roughly: ‘would it be a good idea for this person to stop their school and get a second…

  • Love is… Marriage

    Love is… Marriage

    Sometimes it’s the little things, the quiet moments. The sigh of contentment after a long day when you finally have nothing to do but sit. The look on his face when I come in the door after work. The noise he makes when I scratch his back without being asked. The time we get to…

  • Review: Slay Bells Ring

    Review: Slay Bells Ring

    So this is a Christmas book, sort of, and it’s chick-lit, sort of. Or at least that’s what you might think when you first picked it up. Sure, it’s set at Christmas time. But why not read about the festive season year round? And sure, the main character is a woman. But that’s where you’d…

  • Review: Chicken Feet and Comfort Reading

    Review: Chicken Feet and Comfort Reading

    No, no, I haven’t been cooking with chicken feet. Yes, I know it’s a thing. No, I really don’t plan to try it, although at least I know to take the chicken toenails off before serving. I’m talking about When Chicken Feet Cross the Highway by Alma Boykin. I’m always a sucker for Baba Yaga,…

  • Review: Nothing in Common

    I’ve been racking my brain for something these two books have in common, and can’t figure anything out. Only that both authors are veterans. Otherwise… polar opposites. Oh, and both fun to read for me. You all know already that I’ll read almost anything right? So a bildungsroman science fiction novel and a steamy romance…

  • Book Bomb: Veteran’s Edition

    I was delighted to discover that of all my friends who served, and also write, two veterans had debut novels come out today. I’m fairly sure they both intended that, and even though I haven’t had a chance to read either book yet, on the basis of knowing both of the men who wrote the…

  • Working on the Side

    I’m not doing NaNo, I can’t. I am enjoying watching my friend Amanda Green work on her challenge, though, and you might be entertained by her character as well. I am, however, trying to keep on with the writing, in the spare moments I have around homework and everything else. Yesterday, for instance, I had…

  • Farmhand: Snippet 4

    As of sometime last night, Farmhand went live for sale. So you have one last chance to read a little, and decide if it’s worth plunking down $2.99 for it. If you do, and you enjoy it, please leave a review! It’s the best tip you can give an author. Nothing elaborate necessary, just your…

  • Farmhand: Snippet Three

    You can find the first and second snippets here: Farmhand.  This is my sweet Western Romance novella, with elements of adventure, family, and working hard under the sun. I hope you enjoy it, and the new cover. It will be released soon, I plan to announce that on November 7th! I had an amusing moment…

  • Review: Sort of

    Review: Sort of

    I know, I know, I’m horrible. *covers face with hands* I don’t have a formal review for you to read. I am going to tell you what i have been reading, and say, go get it! Why do I so cavalierly command? Well, it’s a classic, and it’s a dollar. You spend that much on…

  • Review: Dual Fantasy

    Review: Dual Fantasy

    I managed to read this week! So exciting. Of course, it was because I was traveling, and then I was sick, so it was the silver lining in the cloud of waiting and misery. But I was really grateful for the paper books I’d managed to accumulate during the writer’s workshop, because I didn’t have…

  • Saturday Snippet: Pixie Noir

    Saturday Snippet: Pixie Noir

    Pixie Noir is scheduled to be released Dec. 1, 2013. Now, that’s an exciting sentence for me. You might not understand it unless you read my blog regularly and know that it’s my second novel, and I’m really happy with it. Even better, my beta readers have liked it. Yesterday evening I sent it off…