Category: Snippets

  • New Release: Supernatural Streets

    New Release: Supernatural Streets

      Hot Electrons! Get them while they’re still smoking!  Supernatural Streets is finally out!    There will be a lot of good reading in this one for you. 14 Urban Fantasy Authors, some of them names you will recognize….    And one of my Amaya Lombard tales, picking up where I left off with Possum…

  • Lab Gremlins Chapter Headings

    Lab Gremlins Chapter Headings

    A while back a colleague had commented that fun chapter headings were not completely outré in the Indie publishing world. Since I, too, have delightful memories of quirky chapter titles that gave you a tease of the content of that chapter, I thought I’d give in to my sense of whimsy and make the chapter…

  • Tanager’s Fledglings: Snippet 6

    Tanager’s Fledglings: Snippet 6

    As always, this is a snippet. All rights remain with me, you may freely share the post, but the content is mine. This is a rough draft. There will be errors, typos, and other issues. There may be significant changes before publication. Enjoy! Snippet 1 Snippet 2 Snippet 3 Snippet 4 Snippet 5 Jem picked…

  • Snippet 4: Tanager’s Fledglings

    Snippet 4: Tanager’s Fledglings

    I’m really late with this. I’ve been up to my elbows in housework and I still have a ways to go until it’s all done. The next few days will be a little shaky around the blog as I’ll be focused on family life and traveling. I don’t really have an update on this –…

  • Jade Star Snippet 5

    Jade Star Snippet 5

    I have hit a snag with finishing this. I mean, I thought I had finished it, and I sent it to beta readers. In record time – 100% turnaround in 24 hours – I had my answer. Moar! they said. It needs more. So… I’m letting it sit and simmer a bit longer on the…

  • Jade Star Snippet 4

    Jade Star Snippet 4

    The end draws nigh, and I am hoping to have this off to either beta readers or my editor by the end of the week. Not sure about the betas, since I hope to publish this collection – tentatively titled Twisted Mindflow – by the end of September. My First Reader is telling me that…

  • Jade Star: Snippet 3

    Jade Star: Snippet 3

    I will snippet for another couple of weeks and then release the collection. I’m not done writing this story, but I do know what the plot arc is, and all I have to do is follow my character through her journey to the end-point, scribbling hasty notes… As always, a snippet is a rough draft,…

  • Jade Star: Snippet 2

    Jade Star: Snippet 2

    The second snippet from my WIP. You can find the first one here, from earlier this week. Slow progress, I guess I’m still in vacation mode. Need to get my head straight.  Jade Star As I said, though, hard to be angry with them when it was clear they were pleased as anything over their…

  • Breaking the Block: Jade Star Snippet 1

    Breaking the Block: Jade Star Snippet 1

    I’m sitting here this morning contemplating what I want to write about. Really, I want to go write fiction. Yesterday in the early evening, while digging through old files looking for stories to include in the collection I’m compiling, I found a scrap I’d forgotten I’d written. Since I have in mind to create some…

  • Dragon Noir: Snippet 10

    Dragon Noir: Snippet 10

    You will find the previous snippets here… Great White Hunter I wheezed for air, and managed to hold up my hands so he could see them empty. “Conrad, dammit…” I had to stop and suck wind. “Hellifino who you are.” He boomed, from close range. I was bent over trying not to throw up, and…

  • Dragon Noir: snippet 9

    Dragon Noir: snippet 9

    You can find the earlier snippets at the Snippet Herding page (in the main menu. I will repair the link as soon as I can). Morning came far too early, after that late of a night. Ellie didn’t come in with the coffeepot as she often did, and not for the first time I wondered…

  • Dragon Noir: Snippet 8

    Dragon Noir: Snippet 8

    You can find the other snippets here… First Marriage “I’d been told I’d die, after the elfshot. But hours turned into days turned into months… Mother was concerned about me, I’m sure. But she seemed more concerned that I would die and there would be no one left to carry on the Mulvaney line. Our…