Category: snow angel
Free Story!
My short story Snow Angel will be free for five days. Download a copy for yourself, and tell your friends about it. When you have time to read it, and if you like it, leave me a review! I love to hear feedback, it keeps me writing. This story is dedicated to my sister Juniper,…
Newsy Thing
The last 24 hours have been rather productive on the writing part of my life. Since I wear many hats, this is not always the case, although I am being good about maintaining my daily wordcount on Pixie Noir, my work-in-progress. I finally bit the bullet (now, there is an interesting metaphor, and I wonder…
in angel, angel wings, childhood, family, fantasy, inspirational, motherhood, snow, snow angel, snowflake, wings, writingMy schedule doesn’t give me a lot of play time. Fortunately, some of the things I do and call ‘work’ I also regard as play. This allows me to go off and “play” while still feeling productive. Which isn’t to say that I don’t occasionally goof off and waste time, too. Yesterday was one of…
Winter Story
A snippet of my work in progress, which I think will be a Christmas gift to my children. ######################### Snow Angel Sarah was standing at the sink with her hands in hot soapy dishwater when her son came in the sliding glass door in a small swirl of frosty air and rapidly melting snow. She…