Chat Topics


I’ll be doing my usual weekly livestream chat at 7:30PM EST tonight. It’s Friday! What would you like to hear me ramble about? I’m always open to topic suggestions. 

In the meantime, work is very busy, which makes the week just fly by. It feels like it was just Monday yesterday. I’ll take it. The downside is that I get tired. Looking forward to resting this weekend, and doing some house cleaning. Last weekend I was mugged by my muse and didn’t clean as much as I should have. I wrote, instead. It’s not like the house is falling down – the First Reader and the Little Man do a lot, for which I am very grateful. 

In just a few short days, One Hungry Werewolf will be going live! You can preorder the ebook now, and the paper version will be available then. I’m excited that I’ve been a part of this project, and we are working on another one already! I love doing the illustrations for my friend Jimmie’s quirky poetry. You’ll love (we hope!) reading this one aloud to kids who enjoy just a little frisson of something that isn’t all cute and cuddly. 

I’ve been watching the weather, and admittedly, this is a mild winter for Ohio. We’ve ben swinging around the freezing point, up and down, with very little snow and a whole lot of rain. Which probably means the bugs will be bad this summer. And the Brood X, seventeen-year cicadas, are due to emerge this summer. Me? I’m trying to figure out where I can come up with a few truckloads of manure. Nice, well-rotted horse manure would be a great thing. *sigh* I’ll come up with a way. I’m thinking I’ll plant through plastic. Don’t have time for weeding this year, or money to build really nice raised beds. Maybe this fall the Little Man and I will get something built, since he’ll start working in July, and saving for a car. I’ll lose my happy helper! It’s all good, it’s part of stretching his wings preparatory to flying the nest. 

I need to pick up some bamboo stakes, too. 

And on that note! I’m going to go throw food in a bag and take on the last day of the week. It’s going to be a doozy. 

In the meantime, here’s last week’s video – if you subscribe to my channel, click the bell icon to get notifications of new videos and live streams. 



2 responses to “Chat Topics”

  1. Enjoyed your talk! Thanks!

    1. I’m glad! I have been enjoying doing these, hopefully they will get a good audience in time.