Digital Art

On the art front, I haven’t had a whole lot of time. I messed around with a new painting program a little the last few days, and perhaps in time I’ll be able to do nifty stuff with it – it has huge potential – but for now, well, I’m all thumbs. Part of that is finding out that my pentablet is defective. They are sending me a new one, which is lovely, but it does explain a lot about the problems I’d had with it. Sort of a relief to know it’s not all me.

I do suggest that if you like the idea of being able to paint digitally and have it look like there are brush strokes, height to your paint, and, well… fluidity, you check out Verve. As you’ll see if you explore that forum, people do some truly amazing stuff with it.

Me? Well… I managed a silly moose at a campfire. Of course, I was doing this with two people looking over my shoulder pointing out what I should make random shapes into. It was a lot of fun. Poor moose does look rather surprised, don’t he? LOL

At least this gives you an idea of the depth you can get, and blending.
At least this gives you an idea of the depth you can get, and blending.

With a little more work, a tree. I need to stop painting with the mouse, my fingers start to cramp up about thirty minutes in…

tree with verve program
I’m starting to see the capacity for great things, but I have so much to learn