Ham and Egg Sandwich

I have a confession. Although I do love to cook, I hate to cook just for me. Which means that on days when the kids are at school, and Dad’s at work, I don’t eat a whole lot, and what I do is better not mentioned.

Since Dad’s home for the next couple of weeks nursing a broken ankle, I find myself cooking regularly to take care of him. Pair that with a nice little hen who’s taken to laying her daily egg on the front porch (so handy to collect in the morning!) and today’s menu for lunch was logical.

Farm Fare: fresh, fast, and filling.


I fried up a couple of eggs, (on the cast iron griddle, natch) a few slices of ham, and cut a handful of micro-greens from the flat in the kitchen. Dad had mustard on his, I put homemade pickle relish on mine. They were so easy and good. Dad’s comment, “Next time on homemade bread with our own ham!” Sure, Dad…

Growing your own micro-greens for sandwiches, salads, and garnishes is super easy. We took a flat, filled it 2/3 of the way with pro-mix potting soil, and then spread the seeds out on that thickly. A dusting of potting soil on top of that, water, then cover with an empty flat turned upside-down. The cover forces the seedlings to grow leggy, for easy harvest. Once the first set of true-leaves appears, in about two weeks, shear with scissors at soil level and use. You can rinse, but it’s not necessary since the potting soil is sterile.

Our greens today were a mix of lettuce and I believe radish greens. There are any number of possible variations possible. Salad in February in New England, so satisfying! Best of all, you don’t need a greenhouse.