So this is my Dad.
I realize I’m biased, but I think Dad’s pretty neat. He enlisted in the Air Force shortly after I was born. When I was ten, he got out, and we moved to Alaska. Dad always worked hard to keep a roof over our heads, and he and Mom worked together to keep Mom home so she could homeschool us. This meant there were times we didn’t see him much. but we always knew he was there for us. I’ve learned a lot from him over the years.
Dad taught me an enduring love of the outdoors. We’d spend days on vacation when I was a girl, panning and dredging for gold. We even found some! He also taught me to swim, hunt, fish, trap, and how to survive in the wilderness for fun and, well, thank goodness we never got that lost.
When I was in my teens Mom and Dad got interested in re-enacting. Dad has served as a living history interpreter at Old Sturbridge VIllage (ca 1830s) and the Fort at #4 (French and Indian War, 1750s). I got involved along with him in the last few years when we shared a house. There is no better way to truly appreciate history than to step out of time and live in it for a while.
Dad’s sense of humor is reknowned… for being deplorably bad. I think that’s why I appreciate low ribaldry and dark humor so much, his influence on me.
Happy Father’s Day! I wish I were there to give you a hug. But I will call you and you can tell me what book you want next.
Love you Dad.