Hurry Up and Wait

Life seems to vacillate between two states: rushing frantically to do something, and waiting until you can do the thing.


7 responses to “Hurry Up and Wait”

  1. we were looking at macro lenses the other day…

    1. Oh, nice! I like mine a lot. it’s not the miracle lens I was hoping for – I still have to shoot in manual focus mode more often than not – but it’s great for the close-ups I seem to have specialized in.

      1. hm, maybe I’ll just stick with my macro adapters then.

  2. Alma browsing the ‘net: La de dah de doo de Spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Warn a woman next time, please?

    1. Lol! Sorry. But he’s a fluffy spider?

  3. Reminds me of Mirkwood. Where is my Sting?

  4. John in Philly Avatar
    John in Philly

    I might have less aversion to spiders if they were like this,
    Lucas the Spider on Youtube.

    But until then, I am in Alma’s camp.
    When I have a close encounter of third kind with a live spider, my initial cry of dismay is so high pitched that only dogs know I am shrieking like a little girl.

    Having said that, the photo is beautiful.