I am writing a LOT, for me, going for 4000 words again today, I did it yesterday! Problem is I keep getting distracted by things like the dog, and baking, and… Why, yes, I am trying to write a difficult scene, why do you ask?
I also got distracted by this blog, which you have got to admit is hilarious, and it inspired me to delve into my personal library a bit for some exemplars. I weeded the collection at a small public library almost single-handed in the last couple of years, and I can attest that titles just like these lurk in your local library, too! Now, there’s a fun field trip! Go to your library, rummage around (most likely in non-fiction, or the biography sections, they get weeded the least for some reason) and see what horrors lurk there!
Or just, you know, find a book to read. I miss my library job some days, it was delightfully quirky and challenging in odd ways.
So here are some of the weirder covers in my collection. Oh, and need I say? I don’t plan on weeding these Jewels in the Rough!