I wrote a post earlier this week on writers respecting their readers. As I’m thinking about it more, I’d like to interview some readers for my blog. I have a perspective as a writer and a reader, and I talk to writers all the time, but not as much to readers. In the changing world of writing and publishing, there is no reason I *can’t* reach out and ask you all directly to take part in the process.
What do you like to read?
What makes you say ‘never again’ to an author’s work?
How do you find an author, and what keeps you coming back?
Do you pay any attention to the author, or the publisher?
How many editing errors do you notice, and when is it ‘too bad to keep on’?
As a reader, what offends you in the story? Bad plotting, writing, poorly developed characters, or…?
Anyone can respond to this, and I will credit quotes I use in the blog, but let me know if you are a writer as well as a reader, please. If you would rather not respond in comments, you can email me at cedarlila@gmail.com
Thanks very much!