The Ginja Ninja turned eighteen this summer, so today she cast a ballot for the very first time. She was super excited about it, and I was very proud of her enthusiasm. After I picked her and the Junior Mad Scientist up from college, we went to vote. There was a small line – just out the door of the polling place – but it moved quickly and we were standing in front of the polling assistants in just a few minutes. I barely got more than a couple of pages read of my book (Alma Boykin’s Strangely Familiar, highly recommended) before I needed to pay attention! The GN was a little nervous, but I assured her again this was easy, just ask if she had questions, then watched her walk to the table when it was her turn.
Later, I asked her about the experience.
Me: Had you prepared for the voting by reading up on the candidates?
GN: a little bit, not as much as I should have, I realized there was more we were voting on than I researched. There was a lot! I looked at like the governor, and other important dudes I didn’t realize we’d be voting on stuff like reducing penalties for drug offenses. Did you see the one about the guy who wanted a liquor license? And oh! they wanted to raise money for conservation and the parks. And they want to raise taxes for better roads, which I thought was a good idea.
Me: So was the experience everything you thought it was going to be?
GN: it was a lot more plain than I imagined when I was younger. I don’t know, I just thought it would be more dramatic or something. But the electronic voting was cool, and the way they print the ballot but it stays inside the box so the workers couldn’t see it. I didn’t want to show them how I voted. It was a little confusing at first. I didn’t know if this was a multiple choice thing, or a fill in thing, but it was cool overall.
Me: So are you planning on voting again in the next election?
GN: Depends on what the next election is on. What are we voting for then?
The First Reader from the kitchen (he’s making chili): The next one will be in 2020 for our next president. If there’s one next year it will be on local issues.
Me: So why did you think you wanted to vote?
GN: It’s kind of what I have to do as a citizen of the United States. I was literally lecturing a friend on not voting.
Me: Any other thoughts on this process?
GN: Everyone was really nice. The lady when I went up, she looked at me expectantly like I should know what to do. I said it’s my first time and I didn’t know what to do. She got all excited and helped me a lot, then when she gave me the voting card she gave me a sticker. And I got another sticker when I handed it back, so that’s how I ended up with two voting stickers!
9 responses to “Induction of a Voter”
Well Done, lass. Well Done.
Very well done! I’m proud of you!
23 skidoo
“It’s kind of what I have to do as a citizen of the United States.”
Give the young lady the prize. 🙂 (the prize being this thing called Freedom and Rights)
“Did you vote” was the most common question at the office today. My ancestors fought for the Right to vote so I wore my “I voted” sticker with pride.
Ballotpedia can be your friend if you don’t have something like the league of women voters guide (a tool I used a lot when I was still in the Buckeye state). They didn’t have all of the local issues that were on my ballot, but they do have the state issues.
From all of us (former Navy, Air Force and Police) Congratulations.
congratulations to the GN!
Good job, kid.
Way to go, GN!
My daughter and I don’t agree on many things political, but one thing we’ve always been in sync on is, Vote.
Good for her!