Johann catches a quick snooze between trips.The girls wait for someone to let us in where we need to set up a show.
Mr. Phil and Co.! she even has her own weskit.
Let’s see… we went to see Jean, our family’s doctor, yesterday. All the kids were due for their annual check-ups and Pippa had her school physical. It was a crowded, happy morning, as most of our doctor visits are. We had all the appointments lumped together, so for two hours the girls played with the nurses, and Johan was doted on by all, since he’s been seeing them since before he was born. All are healthy, Pippa got the shots she has been looking forward to. She’s known since this spring she would have to have shots before school, so they were a milestone for her.
After we went home for lunch and naps, the whole family went with Phil to his Summer Reading Show in Sunapee. Glady is his official stagehand this summer. Pippa ad Julie were great – sat quietly through the show all by themselves, since Johan was noisy and I went out to the van, and missed all but the very beginning and the end.
Home today – but tomorrow Phil and I are off to have an adventure!