Cedar Sanderson

Links to Interesting Stuff

Cedar Sanderson
I captured an odd moment while trying to take a shot for today’s blog… ghost reader!

I don’t have time, with homework and the office phone ringing, to do a formal post. So I’m putting links up to some good blogs from the last few days, for you to explore.

First off, Sarah Hoyt asks the very good question, can you teach writing?

Peter Grant looks at the sales of his non-fiction book, versus his science fiction. I’ve started reading the new book, and it’s very good… but also a deeply challenging topic. Well worth your time, I believe.

This isn’t precisely new, but well worth the time to go through (or, if you’re in a hurry, buy the book!) Dean Wesley Smith’s posts on the new world of writing and publishing.

And in the science fictional realm of idea, I give you this… I noted it because we were talking about fusion in chemistry class earlier this week.