So I figured out what was making it so hard for me to write yesterday: I’m sick. I wound up spending more time sleeping and reading than I had planned. On the upside, I was reading.

Technically, I’m on vacation. That is to say, I’m between the spring semester and the summer class I’m taking, which will start the last day of June. Reality is, if I want to get a book finished this summer, and I do, I must write it NOW. So if I seem like I am throwing myself at it hard, that’s why. It’s frustrating me, as I am still trying to wrap my head around this story and get it right, while keeping it true to the book I wrote three years ago, and I don’t feel like the same person any longer, much less the same writer.

In the meantime. I re-read Lord Darcy by Randall Garrett yesterday. Highly recommended. Fantasy, mystery, a bit of alternate history… A good world to lose myself in for a few hours.

I also read a couple of Gina Marie Wylie’s books. Kinsella wasn’t bad, a little rushed feeling in places, but fun especially if you enjoy science fiction where the wherewithal to leave Earth is just being developed, along with all the politics and potential of that happening. The Iliad and the Odyssey, on the other hand, I really can’t recommend. It has sections where there is a story, and it makes sense, and others where… I don’t know what. It was a hot mess. I got through it all, and there really wasn’t an end, so… Eh. I have enjoyed two out of three of hers I’ve read. I’ll try another sometime.

Since Kinsella put me in the mood for near-Earth science fiction, I moved on to Dana Stabenow’s Second Star. Heavily Heinlein homage, this tale of an orbital habitat and explaration was still fun. I’d read it a couple of years ago. There’s a trilogy, which I will be working my way through, but I know Stabenow well from her Kate Shugak mystery series, and I trust they will all be good. I really love her mysteries. Oh, yeah, this book is free, did I mention that? 😀

I poked at a couple of others, but they weren’t hitting my buttons. I’m a very moody reader, and if I’m not in the mood, I have to force it. When I’m sick, I really don’t want to do that. I want to escape. Reading helps me relax and just let my body heal, which hopefully means that I can get back to work faster, better, sooner. I hope.