I have coffee most mornings. This morning: mocha.

It’s dark outside. Who turned off the lights?

I have an exam this week, so I shan’t be around much, I’m studying spectroscopy and memorizing instrument components.

Last night I started reading Mike Kupari’s Her Brother’s Keeper. So far? Homages to Drake, H Beam Piper, and Williamson. I can live with that.

I’ll try to have it done and reviewed by Friday, but no promises. I have the exam, and a big project, and homework and…

AuGH! I need more mocha.

Lab Instrumentation-7
Anyone want to know what this is?


4 responses to “Mocha Morning”

  1. “Anyone want to know what this is?”

    Actually, yes, I would like to know. I have a vague idea, derived from your remarks, but the how and why elude me.

    1. It is a high performance liquid chromatography instrument, which we will be using to determine what/how much of some chemical species is in a given sample. If you’re wanting more… http://www.waters.com/waters/en_US/How-Does-High-Performance-Liquid-Chromatography-Work%3F/nav.htm?cid=10049055&locale=en_US

      1. Aha! Flag this for follow-up reading for research. 🙂

  2. Reality Observer Avatar
    Reality Observer

    Not having infused enough yet myself, my first thought was “Wow! Cedar really goes overboard with her espresso machines…”

    But thank you for identifying – my eventual thought was “spectro,” not “chromato.”