I rarely work with pen and ink… not that way! Words, sure, but not drawing. Too easy to make one slip, and no erasing that mistake. But I wanted to draw during a class, because I do that to keep me focused when I’m not taking notes, and I hadn’t dropped a pencil in my bag. I did, however, have an assortment of pens. Nothing tried, nothing lost.
I’m please with how they came out, actually. I should probably do this more often. I’d love to take art classes, but, well, time… playing in moments like this will have to do for now. Maybe in the future I’ll be able to pursue a more structured learning of art technique. I did look up the passionflower vine leaves before class, because I’d been doodling the really complex flowers for a while and it dawned on me I had no idea what the leaves looked like. They’re really interesting, not palmate, but anywhere from one to five deeply divided lobes, almost finger-like. The hummingbirds were from memory, and probably horrible anatomically incorrect.
If for some odd reason you’re interested in prints of any of my work, look here at my DeviantArt gallery, or email me about it.