This week’s post written by me is up at Amazing Stories Magazine. Covering the Topic is a brief take on the art of creating a cover for your work.
If you are really interested in the topic, Mark Alger does a wonderful, in-depth exploration at his blog, starting here. He does a much better job than I ever could, and I highly recommend you take the time to read Study what he has to say.
In other news, I got two exams back today in my Anatomy & Physiology class today, both with an A at the top. Phew… I suspect the one we graded today won’t be so pretty, though, there was an awful lot of red on those muscle lists. Ah, well. A 4.0 two semesters in a row is too much to ask. I have two 8-10 page papers to reasearch and write in the next week to ten days, so I may not be around much. I may put up pretty pictures for you, or something.
Want snippets of the work in progress, or something? Comment and ask, I will try to deliver. Sadly, the blueberry crisp I baked last night is gone already. 😀