David Pascoe

Review: Shadow Hands

David Pascoe
David Pascoe at LibertyCon 26

Since I had so little time for reading this week, I settled for reviewing a short story.

David Pascoe’s tale, Shadow Hands, suffers from an unfortunate cover, but an accurate title. The mysterious hands are everywhere Melody Devereaux goes, reaching out of any shadows and in the darkness they grow bold. She sees them and lives in fear, but what they do to others is worse. Her only consolation is the music she can pull out of her Grand’pere’s violin, left to her as a child.

With her parents gone, Melody longs for the woods of her childhood, and plays in the parks of NYC, unable to escape the city, or the hands. Until one day a mysterious gift and realization finally grant her hope…

This little story is an introduction to a character and world I am hoping for much more of. Click on the cover to see more: