Ok, they aren’t really Russian. They are triple chocolate, with buttercream frosting. The Russian part comes in how they are decorated…
The latest cake decorating rage is these single-tip flowers. I was curious, so I used some of my art money (I only buy art supplies when I sell art, so it’s a self-supporting hobby) to buy a small set. They look cool, if huge compared to normal tips. I’ve not really decorated for years – my sister and I took a class when we were back in highschool, and it was fun, but it was too much work when I had small people in the house. Especially when small people are just as happy with their name written on the cake in M&Ms. Although the Junior Mad Scientist still talks about the cake I made for her 6th birthday and decorated with real violet blooms.
But I digress. I finally made the time and energy to try the tips I’d bought out, and they work very very well. Once you prep, it’s silly easy to create fun flowers, and any mistakes can be covered up with leaves. It’s awesome.