“Is it possible that intelligence is an aphrodisiac?” That single line caught my attention in a Schlock Mercenary strip one day, and took me from an occasional reader to a daily follower. The intelligence of the strip balances neatly with guffaw-out-loud moments that, truly, made me fall in love with it. If you enjoy mad scientists, mercenary warriors, and aliens with swagger, and I know you do, my friends, you simply cannot go wrong with a dip into the archives. Just a toe… Muahaha! Ahem… It’s not a time-waster, at all. For added incentive, there are books to be had and held if you would rather not spend days pressing the next button on your browser.
I have found over the years that Howard’s blog under Shlock has been an excellent source of movie reviews and new books of interest, as it seems his tastes and mine align nicely in that respect. I also discovered his wife Sandra’s excellent blog, One Cobble at a Time , which was helpful to me as a mother, seeing shared experiences and trials.