Solace in the pines painting


I’m exhausted. I have class. So I’m going to leave this piece of artwork here for today. I painted this last night, free-form, and just let the brush go where it wanted.

Solace in the pines painting
Solace in the Pines


4 responses to “Solace”

  1. Lovely piece of artwork. Has that lack of symmetry you mentioned previously.

    1. Yes, I’m terrible at creating symmetry, so I avoid it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Reality Observer Avatar
    Reality Observer

    Your brush likes to go such nice places…

    Sigh. Mine needs a two month course in basic orienteering.

    1. Practice ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not a great artist, I’ve just spent a good amount of time studying and practicing.