Monday has dawned, and with it, the official start of my Spring Break. While I’d like to say this means time off, the reality is that I
have a list will have a list very soon that should keep me busy all week long. This weekend was almost overly exciting in that I was jugging midterms right up until Friday afternoon, and then segued into a convention plus the other job. It was exhausting. Had its moments, but looking back, all I can say is I’m not doing that again. Or at least, not that way.
Looking forward, I anticipate final edits and formatting on Dragon Noir as it should be ready to go this coming Saturday. I am very stubborn, as some of you know, and that’s the goal. I also have some writing I’d like to get done, while I have a half-a-brain. And of course, I have homework. But I will get outside with the camera, and maybe even down to the zoo, or perhaps to the museum. I probably don’t have time to do both, much as I’d like to.
I’ve been working on the blog. Ever since I moved it off hosting and over to my goDaddy hosting, it has been giving me fits. I’ve talked to goDaddy, and they say it’s not their servers being slow. So I’ve changed themes (again. Sorry, guys, this was never my intent to change themes like a teenager dressing for a date) to one that is promised to be fast-loading. I’ve dumped most, but not all, the plugins. I’m really sick of playing with this, and my readership has dropped drastically, which is dismaying. But I shall have to keep going forward, and spend less time talking about me, and more time with good quality information you want to hear. Today i’m already off on the wrong foot.
I will do a more formal con report elsewhere, later this week. For the time, it was really good to see some friends and have conversations with new people. The panels were interesting to experience, and the Creative Destruction panel organized by Mark Haynes was a blast to prep for and take part in. The Libraries and Librarians in SFF may not have gone in the intended direction, but it was fascinating to talk about what the library of the future may look like and offer the patrons who use it. Milennicon is a tiny con, and was visually much smaller this year than last. I think this will have been my final appearance there, unless we pop in to see friends next year. With my school schedule, adding the pressures of the con and balancing it with the cold, hard businesswoman’s hat on, I can’t justify it.
And now, to press publish and see if I’ve solved some other problems. Troubleshooting is so interesting, and yes, I mean that in the alternative form…
2 responses to “Spring Break”
Lovely scenic views, but still slow loading.
Still worth reading though, so there is that!
Thanks for letting me know, Pat. I’ll keep working on it. And I’m glad you found it worth a little wait 🙂