We finally have some sun! It’s been a long and rainy couple of weeks, so it was delightful to wake up to sunshine this morning. Johann and I made the rounds of the farm, checking on critters and harvesting from the garden. A well-established perennial garden means you can begin harvesting in mid-May, not July. We grow asparagus and rhubarb, and harvest dandelions (which you could plant if for some reason you didn’t already have them) long before any seeds will have time to sprout and grow. Here on Stonycroft, we do start ahead of time, and my flats of seeds are rapidly becoming starts. It never ceases to amaze me how fast seeds grow once they start to sprout. I will be able to transplant my starts in a week. Not bad for planting in Mid-May!

We have new little things all over the farm. The phoebe eggs hatched. The baby birds look otherworldly right now.

The baby bunnies are growing fast. They jump around in their box and their eyes are just opening. We’ve been attempting to re-breed the other does. It’s not supposed to be hard to breed rabbits! We won’t get attached to these babies, as our rabbits are for fur and meat. The kids have trouble with that, as they are so cute.