Squeeze the Moonbeams Lightly: Odd Prompt


This delightful prompt gave me such good imagery in my head I couldn’t resist making it another visual week.

One of the fun things about using the art program to render out my illustrations is tweaking it with illustration styles, like poring over books of old art and adopting little quirks that suit me. So, as part of studying art and art history, here is the prompt rendered in combined styles of 19th century children’s book illustrators. There were some truly delightful renditions, and I wonder which is your favorite!

Squeeze the moonbeams lightly, and you may get mooncheese…

art style of Winslow Homer and Jessie Wilcox Smith
art style of Charles Robinson and Howard Pyle
art style of HO Millar and FOC Darley
art style of George Cruikshank and Thomas Crane
art style of JJ Grandville and Kate Greenaway
art style of Edmund Evans and Henry Justice Ford
art style of Maria Louise Kirk and Brian Fioca
art style of John Tenniel and Thomas Nast
art style of Eleanor Vere Boyle and Beatrix Potter
art style of Norman Rockwell and Arthur Rackham
art style of Edmund Dulac and W Heath Robinson
art style of L Frank Baum and Gustav Dore
art style of Edward Lear and Stephen Gammell
art style of Walter Crane and Richard Doyle
art style of Gordon Browne and Ralph Caldecott

A feast for the eyes, and now I want to nibble on some cheese while staring up at the moon.

My prompt this week came from ‘Nother Mike, and I prompted Padre with “The purple flower bloomed with a pulsating central light.”

You can find all of the prompt responses over at More Odds Than Ends, and you can join in the challenge, or vote on the future of it.