We all – the kids and I – went down to the brook this week. I haven’t been down that far all summer, and it was fun to troop down with my happy gang. They didn’t want to come back up to the house – their response to “it’s time to go” was “No, Mama, we haven’t made enough memories yet!”
Even though they are all in school and we had our first killing frost day before yesterday, the weather has been lovely. Today on the way down to Tilton, we saw the first real color along the way.
I don’t know if the photos will come through – I seem to be having a problem with uploading today – this is my second attempt. I’m a little bummed about that – this is my photo album to share with you all, friends and family. I love taking pictures – and Juliet seems to have inherited that, and she has a good eye for an eight-year-old. She took a nice series of pictures of Glady learning to make sushi tonight. I found a self-portrait