Tag: blogging
Pick a topic
This weekend I talked with Peter Grant (of Bayou Renaissance Man) about the blogging. I’m struggling, as my regular readers will have noticed, to stay with a routine here. Some of it, as I told Peter, is that I’m not sure what topics to address. I know I don’t want to do politics. Years ago,…
First of all, if you are in search of creative ideas, you might wander over to More Odds Than Ends and find a spare prompt that tickles your fancy. I’m not sure where the fancy is located – maybe it’s different for everyone? Regardless, there’s sure to be one that does it. And you…
Writing on the Go
I’m traveling this morning. Blogging is likely to be even more sporadic than usual for the next few days, but I intend to put stuff up here, even if it’s just photos of interesting stuff and snippets of what I’m writing. Warm-up words from the plane… I’m a writer. So? Write. It’s not that easy.…
Dipsy Daisy
Sorry about the missed day, guys. I regret it on several levels, but honestly, when it comes down to it: no one pays me to write this blog. Fiction? That I get paid for. And I just can’t publish all the fiction here, as I write it, because then I can’t sell it. So when…
How To Blog
Well, first, you have to write something. No, wait, first, you have to pick a platform. No, wait… I have been doing this for eleven years now. At first, I was doing one thing, and then I was doing another, and now? I’m doing something else, with touches of the first thing and the second…
No, not the sea battle, although that is a pretty amazing story in and of itself. Nope, this is me looking at the semester and noting I’m midway through it. Today I have the last two midterm exams, a lab practical for microbiology, and the organic chemistry that is going to kill me. Stereochemistry is…
What’s next?
First, I have a post up at Mad Genius Club on new books, how they are like infections, and Ebola. Secondly, Ben Hartley gave me a very nice review on The God’s Wolfling over on Amazon, and infected me with an idea. Sir, I can’t decide if you get a thank you, or a muted…
Blogging, Why and How
In the last 48 hours I have written about 15K words of fiction, which is a lot, for me. I have about 20% of the projected length of the novel remaining, and I want to finish it as soon as possible so I can get on to other projects, this summer being very very busy.…
500 times
WordPress tells me this is my 500th blog post on this blog. It’s a milestone… I was thinking, again (a dangerous pasttime, I know) about this blog, and why I do it. It started out as a mommy blog, a way to share pictures and anecdotes of my family with far-flung relatives. Scattered updates, and…
Read the Contract and other Drama
I’m cross-posting this from Amazing Stories Magazine, where I blog weekly, on Mondays. Because I have a deadline for that post, this was submitted, early yesterday; I want to make it clear that this was written before the drama in the comments on LibertyCon AAR yesterday afternoon and evening. The comments on that post are…
The Care and Feeding of a Blog
Hat tip to Everitt for the title. I’m writing this after a conversation about blogging, and promoting one’s work, and how to set up a blog to do that. In my opinion, it is a good, low-impact way to market yourself, whether you are an author, artist, or something else altogether. There are a few…