Tag: Bluehills

  • Odd Prompts: Slice of Pie

    Odd Prompts: Slice of Pie

    If you’ve read my story in He Was Dead When I Got There, you’ll recognize the setting and a couple of characters. This is set in my Bluehills series, which will be released under my romance penname, Lilania Begley. *** Coffee and pie in hand, she stepped back out of the kitchen. She’d gotten halfway…

  • Odd Prompts: A Single Flap

    Odd Prompts: A Single Flap

    The title refers to chaos theory, the snippet is from a work in progress that is set in the same town as Farmhand.  ***  The agents looked at one another, then Spurgle huffed a sigh and followed Ilvan to a table.  Drema turned her back on them and headed for the kitchen. Gray sat at…

  • Working on the Side

    I’m not doing NaNo, I can’t. I am enjoying watching my friend Amanda Green work on her challenge, though, and you might be entertained by her character as well. I am, however, trying to keep on with the writing, in the spare moments I have around homework and everything else. Yesterday, for instance, I had…

  • Farmhand: Snippet 4

    As of sometime last night, Farmhand went live for sale. So you have one last chance to read a little, and decide if it’s worth plunking down $2.99 for it. If you do, and you enjoy it, please leave a review! It’s the best tip you can give an author. Nothing elaborate necessary, just your…