Tag: book list

  • Nominate! for the Curmudgeon’s Book List

    Nominate! for the Curmudgeon’s Book List

      The First Reader is on leave from work, and has departed for his parent’s house. He will be down there, returning the favor for them raising him. However, we both anticipate long hours of quiet time, where he will have little to do besides read.  So…  I need to make a very special book…

  • Sword and Sorcery: A Book List

    Sword and Sorcery: A Book List

    From time to time I’m moved by some strange urge to collect a list of books. It may be that I still have the heart of a librarian (reaches over and nudges jar further into the shadows on my desk) or perhaps it’s just that I am only one woman bowed down by the sheer…

  • Fairy Tales Around the World: An Audiobook List

    Fairy Tales Around the World: An Audiobook List

    This is something a little different for me. Fans of my Book Lists know that usually I’m all about the printed word, on paper or electronic. My personal preference is to read, since most audio fiction makes me feel like I’m drowning in molasses. I just read too quickly to listen to fiction in audio.…

  • More OPB

    More OPB

    Other People’s Books rides again! You know, this is fun. I get to share the stories my friends create, and I feel less guilty about my glacial writing pace. Whee! I know most of my readers are here because, well, they read. So here’s to having reading noms on tap every week for y’all, while…

  • The Glittery Unicorns Book List

    The Glittery Unicorns Book List

    This list was born out of a question: someone wanted to know what were books we’d recommend for the young lady in his life, to save her from sparkly vampires. I was tagged in the comments, and realized that although I have several lists for boys, I hadn’t done one specifically for girls. This still…

  • Boys to Men: A Book List

    Boys to Men: A Book List

    This list was born out of the list I curated last week, it’s just taken me some time to get my act together and publish this one. This is, as all my lists are, a crowd-sourced list. I posted the question on social media, and took the recommended books to create the list. It’s far…

  • Strong Women in Science Fiction: Book List

    Strong Women in Science Fiction: Book List

    Ok, it’s not just books. It is, however, just science fiction so far as I can tell. I knew if I opened it up to fantasy as well, it would become unmanageable, so I may follow up with a second list if there is interest.  As it is, I’ve got over 60 names on the…

  • A List for Love in Books

    A List for Love in Books

    I’d asked for suggestions on books with love in them – not romance stories, but many facets of love – to be a companion to my Mad Genius Post on writing love stories. As always, this is a crowdsourced list. I have cleaned it up a little to anonymize it, but I have not read…

  • Fierce Old Women Book List

    Fierce Old Women Book List

    A while back someone shared a question in a group I’m part of. And we all talked about feisty old women in fiction, and this list was born. It’s another book list, but it’s not a long one, and the old ladies are not always the hero of the piece. Some of them are arguably…

  • The Starter List of Science Fantasy

    Over at the Mad Genius Club I talk about what Science Fantasy is, as a subgenre of science fiction. Where science and magic exist on the same plane, stories that stretch the imagination are born. If you haven’t read any, this is a good place to start. If you love the genre already, then perhaps…

  • The Great Big Handy-Dandy MHI Group Book List

    The Great Big Handy-Dandy MHI Group Book List

    So you have read everything Larry Correia ever wrote, and you are jonesing for a good book while he’s working on the next one. Well, if you ask in the Monster Hunter International group, this is the list you will get of authors, books, series, and sundry suggestions. I have cleaned it up very little,…