Tag: charity

  • Mutual Aid and Comfort

    Mutual Aid and Comfort

    There have been a few times I’ve posted here in support of friends who needed help, and today is partly about that.  Jenn Hast, who is an artist, photographer, and will soon be an accountant (why yes, she is a polymath and Renaissance woman!) is dealing with cancer. The outlook is good, if the short-term…

  • An American Hero Needs Help

    An American Hero Needs Help

    I’m going to get a ration for the title of the post, but I mean it, so…  Lawdog needs help, folks. He’s been backed into a corner by corruption and betrayal, and it costs money to fight that. If you can’t add money to the fund, you can share the word to help this man…

  • Dragons and Quilts

    Dragons and Quilts

    Honestly, that’s a story prompt right there! A dragon that hoards quilts? A wee baby dragon with it’s head too big for it’s body wrapped up in a baby quilt? A quilted vest for a dragon visiting the Ice Dragons?  I digress. Really, there’s already a book I’d like for you to read. And buying…

  • Good Stewardship

    Good Stewardship

    On the gripping hand from my earlier post today, there’s this: I really believe in true charity. The word can be translated as love, and sometimes the best way you can love and help someone is cold hard cash. Sometimes good people get into bad situations.  Also, I am a woman of faith, and part…

  • Condescension or Compassion

    Condescension or Compassion

      One is wanting to feel a little better than the other person, the other genuinely wants to help the other person. The first cloaks their feeling of superiority (whether warranted or not) in a guise of being helpful. One is odious, the other sweet and to be cherished.  The Jr. Mad Scientist and I…

  • Curmudgeon’s Corner: Pride

    Curmudgeon’s Corner: Pride

    This is a repost, the article originally appeared at the Otherwhere Gazette two years ago.  Cedar’s note: this post engendered a lot of discussion, much of it from failing to read carefully: the First Reader is talking about the church as a political entity, not as a body of people. There’s a comment on the…