Tag: david pascoe
Blast from the Past: Kinetic Stories
This is part of the series I am republishing while I finish out the school year. Enjoy! “I get great ideas all the time. And promptly forget ’em. Ideas are like raindrops in the Pacific Northwest. Grains of sand in the Sahara. Plenty out there. It’s the Butt in Chair time that distinguishes writers from…
Review: Baptism by Fire
I’d been reading this book off and on for far too long. Part of what kept stopping me was the beginning. You’re waiting for me to say it was slow, dry, info-dumpy, or awkward, right? Well, it was none of those things. What kept me from doing my usual read ten minutes here, fifteen there,…
Review: Shadow Hands
Since I had so little time for reading this week, I settled for reviewing a short story. David Pascoe’s tale, Shadow Hands, suffers from an unfortunate cover, but an accurate title. The mysterious hands are everywhere Melody Devereaux goes, reaching out of any shadows and in the darkness they grow bold. She sees them and…
Read my Coffee Cup
My Dad gave me a mug embossed with the words “So Many Books, So Little Time” and I am beginning to feel that as I eye my growing stack of to-be-read books. And those are the visual ones, the hidden books on my kindle and phone are even greater in number, but easier to ignore…