Tag: Dragon Noir
Dragon Noir: Snippet 3
You can find the first snippets here, and here. As always, this is a raw first draft, and may (certainly will!) contain errors. Feel free to leave me a note in the comments, but this has revisions and editors to see before it is published. Sorry, guys, no cover art yet… probably end of February…
Dragon Noir: Snippet 2
You can find the opening snippet Here… I am currently still working on the book. I am very close to sending it to beta readers – I hope to wrap it all up with a bow this weekend. It’s been an interesting week so far, as the first days of a semester always are, and…
Reading, Writing, and…
Good Morning. I’m up at Mad Genius Club this morning talking about the predicted decline and death of ebooks, and why I think that’s premature. I am also asking for help and recommendations with a tablet and apps for my sister Juniper. This is a special case, as what we need for her is essentially…
Dragon Noir: Snippet One
Here it is, the first snippet. I’m not finished writing the book, and I’m not going to finish in time. However, I don’t expect to have it take much longer than I’d originally planned, and the publication will still take place in March if all keeps going to plan. Which it might not. However, I…
Shifting Gears
That funny grinding noise you hear is my brain trying to shift from school speed to writing, full steam ahead. Last night I felt rather lost, thinking: I’ve got homework, I am sure… wait, no. So I stepped away from the computer, and picked up a stack of books to study beginnings, before starting Dragon…