Eat This While You Read That: Kelly Grayson
I’m back, folks, with more food, more books, and more pretty pictures for you to drool over. The new house has a great kitchen, good natural light for the photos, and best of all… I have the time to help promote my friends and fellow authors. Kelly Grayson is a very good writer, and a…
Eat This While You Read That: Lawdog
This one is a little different. Unlike most of my posts, there isn’t an ebook for quick and handy reading. There is, however, audiobooks, and if you are patient and plan ahead, paper. It’s worth it. Lawdog’s books are trenchant observations on the human condition… but most of all, they are laugh-out-loud fall out…
Eat This While You Read That: Misha Burnett and Louise Sorenson
Buckle in, folks! This is going to be a long one! Also, these are less recipes, and more techniques which you can use to make many, many delicious variations on a theme. When I reached out to Misha, who I know well, to ask him for a book and a dish for ETWYRT, I…
Eat This While You Read That: William Joseph Roberts
It’s been a while, and I have missed this. I’m not going to commit to it on a weekly programme again, sadly, those days of time and fun have passed into the night with the advent of career and kids needing my time on the weekends. However, I’m pleased and proud to present a…
ETWYRT: John Ringo
This is a repost of the recipe, to move it back onto my blog from the original platform since Otherwhere Gazette is now defunct, and to reformat the recipe to make it printable. Also, it’s delicious and bears repeating! It’s difficult to pick out just one John Ringo book to recommend with this recipe. I’ve…
Eat This While You Read That: L A Behm II
Lloyd, who writes as LA Behm the second, which I can never remember, has a biting sense of humor I hugely enjoy in life, and in his fiction. He’s also a poet, but that’s not the book I wanted to talk about today. In the Dance Hall of the Mountain King is part of his…
Eat This While You Read That: G Scott Huggins
So the conversation went something like this… Scott: I don’t know. Something with sausage? Maybe wurst? Me: I’ll do my wurst for you. And on that note! You should really read Scott’s book Doctor to Dragons if you appreciate humor. Especially low humor, because the book is about a veterinarian, and if you thought James Herriot…
Fanboy Expo and Other Plans
This weekend I will be in Knoxville, working with the lovely Mystik Waboose at her booth at Fanboy Expo. You can find me, my books, and some super geeky t-shirts there all three days. I don’t have a booth number – I’ll try to update that once I know, more likely on social media than…
Eat This While You Read That: Stryder Dancewolffe
Firstly, thank you to my readers for their patience, I’m afraid that my schedule is going to remain loose for a while as I’m focusing more on school than the blog. But I have to keep cooking, so cooking with a dual purpose is good! Stryder Dancewolffe gave me a rough sketch of a recipe…
Eat This While You Read That: Julie Frost
I met Julie Frost at LTUE last year, and then when her first novel came out, based on listening to her being funny and witty on a panel, grabbed the book. I discovered to my delight that she could write as well as she can talk – hey! There are people who can’t you…